Power to the People

Klaus Madersbacher

For half a year I have been trying to find as many videos as possible about demonstrations - also known as "walks" - in Germany on YouTube and link them to the page "Die neue Normalität des Spazierengehens" - "The New Normality of Walking" (> LINK) on antikrieg.com. This should give an impression of what is going on in this area.

This by now quite handsome list includes only a small fraction of the walks that are actually taking place. There are a few undaunted people who are taking part with their video cameras to whom we owe our thanks. The vast majority of this "new normal walking" remains unfilmed or cannot be found on the Internet, but "only" on the streets of many cities.

These "walks" are either heavily defamed or hardly mentioned or hushed up by the authorities, media whores etc.

The regime, the presstitutes, associations, parties, churches, etc. distance themselves from this movement, which they call with unbridled hatred right-wing oriented and infiltrated/ carried by Nazis. "QUERDENKER" has become a swear word, what should not bother us, though :-)

The fact that these rulers leverage the Basic Law/Constitution as the Nazi regime did in the old days and restrict and disregard the basic democratic rights of the citizens seemingly at will, but obviously according to the wishes and needs of their backers and masters in Washington, remains unmentioned, since this is declared to be in the service of higher values, such as an alleged health or a "solidarity", to which even the welfare of the people and the country must be sacrificed.

The pervasive droning propaganda of the "best Germany there ever was," saturated with vulgarities that turn people against each other, creates pressure to conform. For those who don't go along, or even actively resist, there is terrorist harassment from authorities and courts designed to suppress and keep in check people's inevitable resistance.

"The ordinary people can't fight back"

From the many videos, there is no impression whatsoever that organized groups, e.g. parties, are at work here, sending their supporters out into the streets to demonstrate. I don't know where the excellent slogan, often carried in the front row, "We are the Red Line" comes from. "Peace, freedom, no dictatorship!", or "Peace, freedom, self-determination/sovereignty" and "We are here, we are loud, because they steal our freedom" have already been chanted at the large demonstrations in Berlin. Incidentally, the mostly handwritten banners are carried by individual participants and often and gladly held up to the camera. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the flags ...

Thus, to all appearances, it is "the people," "the man in the street," "people like you and me," etc., "the sovereign" who rises up to fight for his right.

How the various "representatives of the people" come to feel superior to these people, to even actively fight them, can be explained, among other things, by the fact that the fascist tradition is still alive in the country. A "denazification" has not taken place, the "renazification" raises its gloomy head higher and higher. An unruly people who will not put up with anything is naturally the enemy of all those who want to impose things on people that are to their disadvantage. That's just the way it is in class society - what's good for the ruling class is bad for the dominated class. And vice versa ...

The QUERDENKEN-MOVEMENT is carried by the people who do not want to let their and their children's future be spoiled by the fascist fear-mongering and policy of division by an obviously thoroughly corrupt regime, which tramples on the interests of its own people on behalf of the terrorist superpower.

Unlike in the time before/between the world wars about a hundred years ago today there are no parties or organizations that enjoy the trust of the people. All parties have lost their credibility in the big theater, which under the title "representation of the people" is cheating the citizens and is controlled and bribed by interest groups. Not a single party is capable of getting even a tiny demonstration, let alone weekly "walks," off the ground. The so-called "Antifa" - which is supposed to have something to do with anti-fascism and is financed by the "left" - is weakening ever more and has nothing to say except occasionally screaming paroles.

It is interesting that the QUERDENKEN-BEWEGUNG is hardly present in the "alternative" media. Apparently the "criticism" of the media whores causes many "alternative" media themselves to have problems to take a clear stand. Some feel connected to ideologies, others perhaps fear to be called "QUERDENKER" or even to be moved into the proximity of Nazis, which, of course, they are not at all. If some Nazis walk along in a church procession, of course the bishop or pope is not called Nazi, so what ...

The strength of the QUERDENKEN-BEWEGUNG fortunately does not rest on the Internet, but with the people on the streets. "The New Normality of Walking" should give an impression of this and give us the opportunity to draw strength.

"We are many - and we are becoming ever more" said Bodo Schiffmann, one of the pioneers of this great movement, and as it turns out, he is right. The sovereign will no longer allow himself to be put in place by any externally controlled stooges, and he will find ways to take his future and the future of its children into his own hands.

Whatever is said about Germany and the Germans, the QUERDENKEN MOVEMENT is about to create new standards that will lead into a future that will be worth living for the people.

  erschienen am 9. September 2022 auf > antikrieg.com  
  Archiv > Artikel von Klaus Madersbacher auf antikrieg.com  

Die neue Normalität des Spazierengehens


>"Wir sind viele, und wir werden immer mehr!" - Bodo Schiffmann<

  Es ist wohl kein Zufall, dass in den Sudelmedien so gut wie täglich über das allerwerteste Befinden der britischen Majestät und deren Verwandtschaft berichtet wird. Ob die alte Frau mit Stock unterwegs ist, wie sie gerade lächelt, welcher Enkel gerade wie in Gnade steht und was so ein Königshaus und die assoziierten Sudelmedien sonst noch beschäftigt - es wird uns um die Ohren geschlagen, wohl damit auch wir beginnen, mit diesem edlen Haus mitzufühlen. Dass die Queen quasi die höchste Instanz des Landes ist, das fernab von rechtsstaatlichen Verhältnissen für Julian Assange - übrigens ein "Untertan" aus der ehemaligen Kolonie Australien - vor den Augen der ganzen Welt die Neuauflage des mittelalterlichen Hungerturms inszeniert, bleibt unerwähnt.

Schon dieser ungeheuerliche Bruch mit der zeitgemäßen Zivilisation beweist eindeutig, dass die sogenannte westliche "Kultur" mitsamt ihren "Werten" ("Menschenrechte", "Rechtsstaat" usw.) keinen Pfifferling wert ist, zumal deren "Hüter" dazu schweigen.

Klaus Madersbacher, antikrieg.com

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> Appell der syrischen Kirchenführer im Juni 2016 (!): Die Sanktionen der Europäischen Union gegen Syrien und die Syrer sind unverzüglich aufzuheben! (LINK) <
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